Westray Development TrustNews & Resources

  • Community Fireworks

    Fireworks were purchased for the Queens Jubilee celebration in Westray, with the remainder being used at the community bonfire night...
  • Malawi visit

    The group fundraising for the cultural exchange visit from Malawi to Westray which includes two children from the Westray School’s...
  • Hofn building extension

    Tenders have been invited for an extension to the Hofn.  Along with this the whole building inside is getting makeover...
  • New Office for WDT

    The trust have been negotiating the purchase of Unit 1, and are pleased to announce that an offer has been...
  • Replacement zipline (Playpark)

    £800 grant funding has been obtained to go towards the repair and replacement of the zip line in the playpark. ...
  • Hofn refurbishment plans

    The young folk of the island held a very successful jumble sale in January to raise funds for various youth...
  • Golf course development

    WDT have agreed to part fund a project manager to oversee the course development work on the community-owned golf course...
  • Picnic benches for the playpark

    Following a request from the Playgroup for somewhere for people to sit while watching their children and grandchildren play, the...
  • TV for the Hofn

    The Hofn youth group have been awarded £350 towards the purchase of a new TV and digital TV viewing system. ...