Westray Development TrustNews & Resources

  • Hofn refurbishment plans

    The young folk of the island held a very successful jumble sale in January to raise funds for various youth...
  • Golf course development

    WDT have agreed to part fund a project manager to oversee the course development work on the community-owned golf course...
  • Picnic benches for the playpark

    Following a request from the Playgroup for somewhere for people to sit while watching their children and grandchildren play, the...
  • TV for the Hofn

    The Hofn youth group have been awarded £350 towards the purchase of a new TV and digital TV viewing system. ...
  • Youth Trip to London

    12 teenagers from Westray and 5 from Papay (accompanied by 6 leaders) had a very enjoyable but exhausting trip to...
  • Fuel Poverty Project 2007-2010

    Westray Development Trust employed a part time fuel poverty project worker as one of the Big Lottery funded projects between...