FundingWestray Fuel Grant

Winter 2024/2025 Fuel Grant is open for applications 4th December 2024

Westray Fuel Grant 2024-2025 Policy Guidance and Application form

In 2017 57% of Orkney households spent over 10% of household income on household fuel with 23% spending over 20%[1]. To support Westray’s residents and reduce the impacts of fuel poverty in our community, Westray Development Trust (WDT) have established this temporary Fuel Grant fund. It is open to all Westray households who meet the eligibility criteria. The WDT Board have approved the WDT Office Team to have responsibility of assessing and processing Westray Fuel Grant applications in line with policy. Fuel Grant payments of £250 will be made directly to the applicant’s energy account via their provider unless if in exceptional circumstances an alternative method is required.

All applications must be submitted by end of day Wednesday 8th January 2025.


Due to restrictions in charity law, businesses, and holiday-lets are not eligible. Second homes are also not eligible to apply. Applicants must be permanent Westray residents (Westray is their main residence) and be the domestic bill-payer, only one application is accepted per household. Households which are connected to a business that do not have a separate domestic energy supply, can still apply if they can demonstrate the property is also a domestic residence. E.g. a letter/email from your accountant stating the % of energy use which is domestic.

Individuals resident in Westray who assist with the bills of a relative e.g. an elderly relative (and so the energy account is in your name rather than your relative’s), who lives at a separate Westray address, can also apply for the Fuel Grant on behalf of that relative in addition to a Fuel Grant for their own household. You will need to demonstrate that your relative’s home is not your second home, for example, evidence for this could be a council tax bill in your relative’s name. The other eligibility rules still apply in these scenarios.

How it works

Applications can be submitted online through our website page Community Turbine Funds Application Forms

Paper copies will also be available in the shops or by contacting the WDT office.

Any queries can be sent to [email protected] or you can call 01857677858.

Once you have submitted your application please be patient. We receive over 250 applications in a short period and it takes time for the small team to get through them all. It also takes time for the grant to appear on your energy account, if it has not appeared by 31st March 2025 please get in touch. We can check the payment date for you so that you can contact your energy provider with this information.

If you are changing your energy account we can delay payment until your new account is set up, however, you still need to submit an application before the 8th January 2025 deadline even if you don’t have your new account details at this point, get in touch with the WDT office if this applies to you and we’ll help you through what is needed. Any outstanding grant applications will be reviewed at the end of the financial year.

Accompanying Documents

All applicants should also submit a copy of a recent energy bill. Only key-card users are exempt from this. We are able to assist with photocopying, just come past the Development Trust Office.

If you live in the same building as your business, you will need to demonstrate the premises is also your home. E.g. a letter from your accountant stating what % of energy is for domestic purposes. Westray residents who assist with the bills of a relative who live at a separate Westray address, can apply for a grant on behalf of that relative as well as a grant for their own home. You will need to demonstrate that your relative’s home is not your second home, e.g. evidence for this could be a council tax bill in your relative’s name.

If you do not provide the required information we will not be able to process your grant application. Even if you have submitted this information for a Fuel Grant in a previous year you must do so again for the new grant.

Bottled Gas

Only a small number of grant applications for gas will be manageable for the supplier. Therefore, we request that you only apply for bottled gas if this is your main heating source or if there are issues with applying your grant to your main supply.


We can accept orders for coal. Smokeless coal will be ordered in bulk when the application period closes.

Key-Card Users

After the application period closes on Wednesday 8th January 2025 you will receive 5 x £50 ‘WDT Fuel Grant Vouchers’ in the post. You will be able to claim your Fuel Grant by taking these vouchers to the post office you selected in your application.

Highland Fuel

Highland Fuels have requested a one off payment from WDT this year.  If you wish to apply for your Fuel Grant from them please be aware that this won’t show up on your account until February 2025 once all applications are in and processed.

[1] Scottish Household Condition Survey 2015-17

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to complete an application form to apply for the Winter 2024/2025 Fuel Grant?

Yes, you must complete the application form to apply for the Winter 2024/2025 Fuel Grant.

Do I need to provide a copy of a recent bill?

Yes. If you are able to email a copy of a recent bill to accompany your completed application form then please do so. Email [email protected]

However, as not everyone has access to a printer if you come along to the WDT office we will be more than happy to do some photocopying for you.

What do I do if I live in the same building as my business?

You must complete the application form and submit it alongside a copy of a letter or other evidence from your accountant stating what % of the property energy use is for domestic purposes. Ideally, you would also submit a copy of a recent bill.

Under charity law, we cannot offer this grant to a business therefore you must demonstrate the property is also a home. If you have applied for a Fuel Grant before you still need to submit this evidence. It has been 1 year since the first fuel grant was established and so 1 year since evidence will have been provided therefore we require updated evidence.