Westray Development TrustNews

Westray Housing Needs 2024

One of the key areas of challenge on Westray is the availability of housing for both existing locals and those looking to move to the island. WDT has already developed four one-bedroom flats in Pierowall and is now looking into the potential of developing additional housing to help meet potential need for additional larger family housing.

The Trust appointed L & L Fraser Ltd to undertake a housing needs assessment which will help identify any need for additional housing on Westray. This needs assessment will feed into the development of any business cases focusing on the purchase of or development of housing on the island, as well as supporting funding bids for support from the Scottish Land Fund, Rural and Islands Housing Fund and Orkney Islands Council.

A copy of the Westray Housing Needs Report 2024 can be viewed here.

The report concludes that there is a need for additional housing on Westray. Particularly family housing for young people to grow into and for families already on Westray and looking to move to the island. The report recommends that WDT look to renovate a two-bedroom property for affordable rent, and explore the potential of developing new build properties, including low cost home ownership models. It also noted that time is of the essence for access to funding from the Rural and Islands Housing Fund.