Westray Development TrustNews

Strawberry harvest begins!

This week the first of the strawberries from our community garden project were harvested.

JC Tulloch and WI Rendalls received their first delivery on Tuesday with one shop selling out in 30 minutes! If you missed out don’t worry once harvest is in full swing we will be able to send plenty to the shops. A delivery is scheduled for the Skello Shop on Friday so make sure you get there quick!

Eating local is great for so many reasons –

Here’s why you should eat Westray strawberries.

1. They’re delicious!

Our fruit is allowed to ripen on the vine, meaning they can fully sweeten and fill with flavour before being picked. They are picked the same day we deliver to the Westray shops so if you’re keen you could even be purchasing fruit picked less than an hour earlier!

Strawberries are a really versatile fruit and are great in lots of recipes. However, they’re so delicious they’re often eaten before you get the chance to try any of those new recipes!

2. Food miles? What food miles?!

We are within walking distance of two of Westray’s shops and less than 5 miles away from Westray’s Skello Shop.

The strawberry punnets are also plastic-free and compostable.

3. They’re good for you!

You would have to eat about 30% more imported strawberries to get the same nutritional value as a punnet of Westray strawberries. This is because most produce loses 30% of its nutrients 3 days after harvest. However you can get Westray strawberries in Westray the same day they’re picked.

We don’t use any chemical fertilisers or pesticides. Our lead gardener is rightfully proud of his super soil which is enriched using a homemade (or rather garden-made) seaweed and nettle tonic.

At the Westray Community Garden we’re all about community, sustainability, and nutrition. By supporting the project you will help us to grow more fruit and vegetables for our community.