Westray Development TrustProjects

Wireless Westray is a community podcast for the island of Westray, Orkney.

The podcast functions as an online community radio station releasing fortnightly episodes of an average of 30 minutes in length. Up to episode 26 the podcast has welcomed 43 guest speakers/singers, garnered over 4,300 online downloads, and distributed CD set to 10 Westray households. The purpose of the podcast is to provide another way of keeping the community connected during the pandemic by sharing community stories, and the latest island news in order to help reduce isolation and boost morale.

The podcast is available free online via Spreaker.com, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Castbox, and Spotify.

The podcast is supported by Westray Development Trust and is made possible by everyone who volunteers their time to speak on the podcast. The Supporting Communities Fund, a Scottish Government fund facilitated by Highlands & Islands Enterprise supported the purchase of 5x microphone podcasting packs for the community to establish the podcast.