Westray Development TrustProjects

Westray Community Space Development

In response to feedback from the Westray community following the 2023 Westray Conference, WDT have been working towards purchasing suitable property to develop a multi-functional community space.

In February 2024 a feasibility study, funded by the Scottish Land Fund and Orkney Islands Council Community Development Fund was carried out on the property.

It was clear that this could be a great opportunity for Westray and meeting multiple needs on the island the decision to apply to the Scottish Land Fund for funding towards the purchase was made and an application was sent to them in May 2024. To this end we are delighted to have been awarded a grant of £37,838 from the Scottish Land Fund to purchase a property (The Old Community Hall) on the edge of Pierowall. This space, which is in poor condition, is currently being used for storage and the Trust proposes to demolish it and build a multi-functional community space including meeting rooms, kitchen facilities and office space.

Below are the proposed plans which we put out to consultation.