Westray Development Trust in collaboration with the Community HeartBeat Trust is working on developing a community public access defibrillator (cPAD) network on our island.
WDT discussed the project with Westray GP Surgery, Westray Ambulance and the owners of sites that could potentially host a cPAD. As a result of these discussions, the following locations on the map below were identified. A key site in each district was chosen so that even the households in the furthest corners of the island weren’t far from a public access defibrillator. Sites were chosen because they either received a lot of foot-fall in that district and/or were easily identifiable and accessible to the public.
Project Progress
Project research; The Project Officer researched other community defibrillator projects, including a network established in Mull & Iona by their development trust, contacted Orkney Heart Support Group and discussed the project with Scottish Ambulance, Westray Surgery, and Westray Ambulance. A project proposal and budget were drafted and submitted to the WDT Board.
Funding Secured; The WDT Board agreed on a budget of £15k for the project.
Potential Hosts contacted; The owners of sites identified as potential cPAD locations were contacted to discuss the project and if they were happy to host a cPAD.
Collaboration with Community HeartBeat Trust; WDT and CHBT agreed to collaborate on the Westray cPAD network project. CHBT is the U.K’s leading charity for community defibs having delivered over 3500 projects nationwide. With this background of experience and expertise, they provided WDT with advice on equipment purchase, governance, and maintenance.
Community Public Meeting; A public meeting was held April 24th 2019 at the Westray Parish Kirk for the community to learn more about the project, ask questions and participate in a free defib training session.
Formal agreements; Formal agreements with each of the defib hosts were signed.
Westside Telephone Kiosk Adoption Submitted; The adoption form was submitted to BT by CHBT on behalf of WDT.
Westside Telephone Kiosk Repair; The North Isle Landscape Partnership Scheme awarded £3,375.88 towards the cost of renovating the kiosk. Garth Joinery was awarded the tender.
Defib Purchase & Installation; All equipment & training kit was ordered and was delivered to WDT. A tender was received from an Electrician for the installation. The defibrillators for the Airfield, Gill Pier, Westray Parish Kirk, Peter Miller’s Shop (Skello Shop) and Rapness Pier were quickly installed.
Westside Kiosk; The adoption of the Midbea Telephone Kiosk through Community HeartBeat Trust was approved October 2019.
Midbea Kiosk Renovation; The works on the Midbea Kiosk were completed July 2020 and the final defibrillator installed.
Ongoing CPR & Defib Training; Thanks to support from local Westray GP Dr Jutta Meiwald Westray Development Trust have been able host CPR & Defib training sessions for the community. Before COVID-19 required all in-person training to pause three training sessions were completed. When it is possible to do so again more community training will be arranged.
Westray Development Trust’s training CPR dummy and training defibrillators are free for Westray groups, businesses or emergency services to borrow for their own training sessions. Please get in touch if you would like to borrow the training equipment.
Community Public Access Defibrillators at Westray Airfield (Aikerness), Gill Pier Ferry Waiting Rooms (Pierowall), Peter Miller’s (Skello) Shop (Skelwick), Rapness Ferry Waiting Rooms (Rapness) and inside the Westray Parish Kirk (Braehead).