Westray Development TrustNews

I-Pad Classes

The first two I-pad classes have happened with the tutors blown away by the enthusiasm from all the learners.  They were really brilliant sessions with everyone getting stuck right into tapping, touching and swiping, and  looking forward to next week.   It was really inspiring to see older folk getting to grips with this new technology, especially as it was such an awful day to come out.

Please pass the word around to people you know who might want to have a go at using I-pads or laptops to get online – I’m already starting to take names for the next lot of sessions that will start in the new year.   No charge, you learn just what you want to know in a very informal way, and you don’t need to have internet at home or have your own I-pad or laptop.

This is part of the Get IT Together Orkney project.