Westray Development TrustNews

Children’s playpark in Pierowall Village

The playpark was one of the first projects undertaken by the Westray Development Trust, with the vision and enthusiasm of a dedicated group of volunteers to lead the way. The Trust secured the use of a suitable piece of land (within the school playing field) and the steering group proceeded to put plans into action and raise the necessary funds. The selection and layout of equipment was all approved by the children who would be using it.

The Westray Children’s Playpark came back onto the “projects list” in 2012  following an approach by a group of local parents who wanted to take on the hard work of upgrading the equipment.  12 years of salt laden winds have taken their toll, and it was felt that starting again with a new fundraising effort and replacing most of the equipment at the same time would give the best results for our children.  It’s an important local facility, and there is hardly a time during daylight hours when there aren’t children playing there, with both school and public use.  A new group, Friends of Westray Playpark, has formed to take on the project, with funding support from WDT.